
A Eulogy Regarding Eros

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It is quite evident that Eros is the god from which that magnificent thing we call love originates, and he should be revered as such. However, it is one thing to lavish praises upon a god that asks nothing of us, save we open our hearts and allow him to fill our lives, than it is to fully understand the magnitude as to what that may mean or how it might be experienced by us. Like all exceptional philosophical dialogues, we must begin with a driving question or inquiry, that being: What is love?

A question phrased in three simple words, is often expressed by three simple words, and yet the answer has always, and will always vary. Perhaps there is not just one definition, but many; as many explanations as there are lovers to explore such paths. To even attempt to give such an enigmatic thing shape is to unavoidably limit its potential. It would, of course, be inadequate to assert merely one description as representative of the whole (not to mention fallacious). Hence, it is critical to explore all aspects and components of love if we ever hope to gain any knowledge of it.

Love is often pursued due to a variety of reasons; for instance, because of the physical or emotional gratification one receives from it, for the sense of completeness it offers, or as a mutual feeling of compassion that results from a unique exchange between individuals. Whatever the reason, it seems to me to be a thing desired to be had by many, if not by everyone, and it primarily concerns the attainment of the good, the beautiful, and the excellent.

The good that comes from love is birthed out of pure compassion for another, for which there is no other ulterior motive or driving force, save for the person or thing that is adored in and of itself. Naturally, it only seems fitting to apply this sort of love to the amorous kind which exists between two people, but it is not exclusive to solely that since kindness can be expressed among many others such as friends, family, and even towards absolute strangers given the circumstance.

Where beauty is concerned love can manifest through the desire to obtain for oneself, that is, from an attraction to another for the beauty that is perceived within them. This beauty can either be physical, in which case it can easily be confused with lust, or it can be found beyond the body—within the mind or character of another.

I include excellence as being one of the things fueling love not just because it is a proper Athenian value, but because it is the kind of love that I am most familiar with pursuing. It is the kind of love that is attributed to the self, not out of vanity, but through a genuine interest for progress and self-development. To merely be content with mediocrity is to fundamentally have no sense of self apart from what others define you to be, and that as we all know is as uncertain as the opinion of an angry mob. However, to yearn to become better is to be worthy of interacting with others, and they with you.

Apart from relations with yourself or others, love can also be directed towards things, subjects, and ideas; in which case preference is paramount and it is where specific appetites are established accordingly. For instance, I love philosophy above all else. That merely consists of my interest and nothing more, whereas for others it may differ depending on where their interests lie. Similarly, where I may enjoy a specific type of food or drink someone else might have acquired a taste for something else. Here, the term really just denotes a fondness for something. It can certainly be felt, just like any other type of love, but the feeling differs immensely when it concerns social relations.

In terms of romantic love, I am not entirely convinced that there such a thing as destined life partners that are meant to make us feel whole or complete in any way. Rather, it seems more likely that love can blossom and develop between any two persons at any given time, depending on whether or not a relationship is suitably nurtured by both parties.

That is not to suggest that the mystique between some couples vanishes entirely. Instead, it proposes that we are responsible for the success or failure of our relations. When speaking of the ideal form of love, it seems vital to estimate attraction as one of the main aspects that causes us to pursue a relationship to its end; for without passion and desire, love would not be the grand thing that it is.
Here is a piece I wrote for my midterm in a lovely philosophy course I took on Plato's Symposium. :love:
We were to write our own speech dedicated to Eros, as though we were a part of the Symposium. :heart:
It was a truly fascinating experience and a most fulfilling class discovering the meaning of love and Eros! :la:
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irrationalrationale's avatar
This is beautiful. Love is something that is so difficult to describe, yet somehow you did such an excellent job here. Love is something I've thought about often. For my definition, a believe that a key component is that it is unconditional.